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SUMMERLAND is a most unusual book.
It is written by spirit, those whom we may call Guardian Angels, and has been written specifically as a NOVEL.
This is the very first time this has been done. It has been written as a Novel for a special purpose. So that this simple story of life, the change (Death) and our eternal existence may be told. Its aim is to express the fact that there is more to us than some of us would like to acknowledge. But it is something that more and more of us are beginning to believe in and understand.
Man has an inherent knowledge that something else exists, A God or Creator whichever name we give it. Our Guardian Angels wrote it this way so that our children may also learn of God from a source that complements what most people believe, that there is a Creator, A God, that there is hope and for most, Peace after the change.
Our Guardian Angels do not want to change your minds, you have freewill. They just want to make you aware, so that you may make more informed choices about the way you live this life.
SUMMERLAND explores what happens and why. It shows through its simple story what form life in the next world takes;
Have you have ever wondered what it was like to die? Or perhaps how Mediums work? What it is like in the spirit world? What is Karma & how it works? What are the real unfailing laws pertaining to us? The laws we cannot ever cheat. The laws of Cause & Effect.
What is the real retribution for evil doing? Have you ever wondered also about what it might be like to be born?
What is a reason for cot deaths? Perhaps even why we are here at all? How & why people become taken over, Possessed by other spirits? Why is there so much evil in this world today?
A journey we shall all take at some point, Not only the journey of a life-time... But a journey of an existence... So many dream of “living forever” Not understanding that we do... In worlds so far removed and beautiful than we can ever imagine...