About Author
Leo Bonomo has seen Spirit since he was aged two years old Leo is currently sixty-four

International Medium
Leo Bonomo is “The Voice of Spirit,” and is regarded as one of the best psychic mediums in London. He is also a noted author and journalist on afterlife topics and mediumship. Leo trained for eight years at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain (SAGB) as a professional, evidential medium. Leo is the UK Director and certified member of, ASSMPI, and ISSMPI – The American Society for Standards in Mediumship and Psychical Investigation. He has written several channelled books previously available on Amazon called, Summerland, and A Book of Thoughts, with messages from spirit.
All Leo’s books will now be available through this site.
Currently, Leo also teaches psychic development and mediumship
workshops. He is the host of a global show on KCOR radio with expert guests from around the world who discuss spiritual topics. https://leo-bonomo.com/ and www.kcorradio.com
Best Author Awards 2012
Arcu pellentesque nisi consectetur netus aenean metus sit mattis sit sed.
World's #1 Best-selling Book
Diam nibh non in enim nunc suscipit risus, adipiscing aenean quisque viverra.
NYT Best-selling Author 2014
Urna donec dolor bibendum lectus arcu purus eget nisl, ut nisl vitae.
Best Author Awards 2018
Morbi odio sodales et facilisis mi nibh fringilla quis risus ultricies facilisis.
My First Book
Leo’s first book, Summerland was written entirely by automatic writing Leo was woken up during the night with words and phrases going round in his head unrelenting until he got up Leo would sit down and write the very first few words sometimes this would be just a few, maybe. just a paragraph other times it would be pages go writing, written on anything Leo/Spirit had to hand at the end, Leo would wake up, read what had bee written and more than often go back to bed. Summerland took around three years to be written and often there were gaps, at one time a year but in real time it took three months to write. There are predictions in Summerland all but one have come true. There is the prediction that a film will be made of it… Summerland was finally published in 2014 through CON.PSY publications for which Leo is eternally grateful.
Released on Store
Summerland was on sale worldwide from 2014 including the USA and UK. Currently the first print is all sold out and following the sad passing of the printer, we are awaiting the second edition currently upon retrieving the plates.
USA & European sales Book
Summerland has sold well in the UK, Europe and USA and other places including Denmark and Australia.
My First Book
Great reviews whenever bought
Bestselling Author
Curabitur malesuada turpis mauris mollis eget tincidunt lacus fusce purus dolor hac viverra viverra sagittis augue purus venenatis.